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All or nothing

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I maintain that kindness is not a passing behaviour.

It is a place.

The roots of kindness are in compassion.

You cannot be compassionate only to something.

If you are compassionate, you are compassionate to all sentient beings, including those who are lost and thus behave badly. They are the ones who need compassion more than anybody else.

Compassion and kindness have never started a war.

Malice and intolerance have never stopped a war.

Anger and hatred do not save our planet.

Love and compassion do.

If you choose kindness, you don´t get to choose who to be kind to.

If you are kind to coffee drinkers, you are kind to tea drinkers.

If you are kind to the elderly, you are kind to farm animals.

If you are kind to your military, you are kind to immigrants.

If you are kind to English speakers, you are kind to speakers of all languages.

If you are kind to low-carbers, you are kind to pasta lovers.

If you are kind to carnivores, you are kind to herbivores.

If you are kind to tea teetotallers, you are kind to alcoholics.

If you are kind to liberals, you are kind to conservatives.

If you are kind to dog owners, you are kind to allergic people.

If you are kind to car drivers, you are kind to cyclists.

If you are kind to the brave, you are kind to the scared.

If you are kind to one, you are kind to all.

If you are kind, you are kind.

If you are not kind, you are not kind.

Because you read this, I know you are kind.

Thank you for your kindness.